Monday, February 25, 2008

Told you so.

Furthermore, I've seen it claimed, though not documented, that Cody helped design the shoes, knowing full well what they were. I knew it was all about her edge cred. Lame.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Liesl, 7N

I now formally kick Diablo Cody out of the fabulosa universe. She is dead to me. To read why, here is an excerpt from her latest blog post on Myspace:

"I'm actually really pissed about this, now that I think about it. They're using me to publicize their stupid shoes and NOBODY ASKED ME. I would never consent to a lame publicity stunt at a time when I already want to hide. I'm sorry if I sound like a party-pooper, but Jeebus."

Party pooper? She wants to hide? I'm sorry, did someone force her to write Juno and then force her to sell it to a producer or studio to be made into a movie? Is someone forcing her to go to the show and sit there in all of her tacky faux leopard print glory? No? then stop with the faux Garbo shit.

Lame publicity stunt? Because, you know, she's such a private attention ho-less person. There's nothing wrong with asking for the attention of every pair of eyes in the room by taking your clothes off, but let's not kid ourselves that strippers are the hide away in the dark types. I suspect Diablo Cody just thought she would no longer be considered edgey if she wore the Weitzman shoes and therefore garner attention for something other than her body or wit.

We are, of course, talking about the Stuart Weitzman "Cinderella" shoes. I am not a huge fan of this year's offering, but they are Weitzmans and are therefore special. Diablo Cody should thank her lucky stars for having the opportunity to be in the same room with Stuart Weitzman, much less wear his shoes. She could only hope to touch his greatness with the very tip of her pinky toe.

As expected, Stuart Weitzman was class itself when interviewed by the AP:

"Weitzman later said he made the cost of the metallic beige T-strap high heels -- more than $2.5 million, including parts that were not used in the final pair -- clear to Cody when he met with her. He blames the stripper-turned-screenwriter's behind-the-scenes team for not fully communicating the value of the shoes to Cody.

"I'm just embarrassed that she wrote what she wrote," he told the AP during a telephone interview Saturday night.

Even so, the designer says he wouldn't change his decision to give the ultra-expensive heels to Cody."

That, Diablo Cody, is what class looks like. You can't buy it, you can't steal it, you can't even pretend to have it. It doesn't come with birth or status or accomplishment. Ex-strippers can have it, but not if they act like whiney babies with entitlement issues.

I don't care who you are or what you've done, Stuart Weitzman deserves more respect than a bitchy rant on myspace.

Today's favorite shoe:

Stuart Weitzman "Por Favor"

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Liesl, 7N

I am not happy. I was finally able to wear the gorgeous fuschia Pliner's I bought a month ago and they killed my feet. They are, dare I say it? too small. I knew that stretching spray wouldn't work since they are silk, but I headed over to Deno's, my favorite shoe repair store, anyway. The instructions for the spray are for leather or reptile, not man made fabrics. Oh! wait! the shoes are silk! that's natural, right? I mean, it comes from worms, which are so natural they are icky. Dare I try it? What do you think, fabulosas?

Anyway... I found a fabulous product at Deno's: Killer Kushionz by Foot Petals. These incredible sticky cushions are supposed to keep your feet from sliding in their shoes. Can you imagine? We all know what it's like to slip around inside our shoes to the extent that we look like we're walking on ice on a perfectly hot day. While it might be amusing to watch, it is not amusing to experience. These pads come in all different sizes and can be added to any kind of shoe. You have to love a company that claims "one size fits fabulously." Oh! how cool are these Strappy Strips for those straps that won't stop digging into your perfectly pedicured pes? Yes, it's a word.

This product exploration, while fun, has me wondering how it is that I didn't know about these products before now. I feel a tiny bit betrayed by my hyper extended shoe sense. I suppose I can't know everything. Wait, this is me we're talking about; of course I can and do know everything. Now.

Since we've established that I know everything now, why not just go ahead and put me in charge of the world? It would be infinitely prettier.

Today's favorite shoe:
Kate Spade "Gerry"

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Liesl, 7N

When I am out and about without my husband and he happens to call me on my cell phone which I just happen to have with me and turned on, I always answer, "I'm not shopping!" Three fourths of the time that isn't true, but what we doesn't know won't hurt him. I'm usually able to hide the evidence before he gets home and only rarely am I busted. Maybe it's more true that Mr. Fancy Pants is in a deep state of denial.

I met the man who has the website again on Friday. He just had to meet me at a Barnes and Noble that was next to a DSW. And I just happened to get there an hour early after my lunch with my gorgeous friend Erika ended. What's a shopping addict to do? Um... shop? I picked up a cute pair of Rampage sandals with bling on the toe hole and not much else and a cute pair of flips with pearls on the straps. The flips were something like $4 and you can never have too many flips for tooling around the garden, house, pool, or discount shopping. Remember ladies, nice shoes for nice stores.

This time the fault was truly not mine for the shopping. Truly. No one could expect me to pass up shoes when I have time to spare and vast availability. No one. It would be like someone blaming a crack ho for smoking crack when it was handed to her for free. Or, blaming a gambler for betting on a game that was a sure thing, like the Patriots versus the Giants. Wait, that one doesn't work. The point is, I am not to blame for this one; I took one for the team of people everywhere who have their addictions thrust on them against their will. It wasn't my fault! Stop looking at me like that!

Addiction may be too strong of a word for what I have; let's call it an undying need to pretty up the place.

Today's favorite shoe:
Casadei "3891"

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Liesl, 7N

Squeeeeeee! a wedding in the fabulosa universe! I am so excited to announce that my beautiful friend Jenni is marrying my less beautiful friend Huan. It's not that he's not beautiful, but he's a man. You get that, right? Jenni told me tonight of their impending nuptials and I am so excited I think I teeteed a little bit.

I love weddings. I watch wedding shows and I take Martha Stewart Weddings magazine. Weddings are the time we are supposed to be at our best and the time people are supposed to love us so much that they buy us ridiculously complex and expensive mixers. But fabulosas, let us not forget the most important part of any wedding: the wedding shoes. I am getting flushed at the thought.

We've talked about special shoes before and what they mean to us, but let's talk specifically about wedding shoes. As we prepare to cross the threshold into a new life and a new family, shouldn't it be done in our most special shoes? Yes, I do believe it should. Your wedding day is the most important shoe day of your life. Even if your dress will cover your shoes the entire time, it doesn't matter; you will still know that your most fabulous asset for the day is your shoes. Walk into your life on happy little pillows of joy!

Something borrowed, something blue, something old, something new, something fabulous in shoes.

Today's favorite shoe:
Vera Wang

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Liesl, 7N

Oh, fabulosas, fabulosas, fabulosas! Looooook! If one of you doesn't get those shoes I will be very upset. They are GORGEOUS and they are such an amazing price! I've mentioned that that is my favorite ebay seller, right? I've bought Pliner and Kenneth Cole from them and they are so wonderful. But those Kenneth Coles are simply to die for. Oh my god, I want these so, so badly. I promised Mr. Fancy Pants that I wouldn't go crazy on ebay, though. My life is so hard.

Is it a boudoir slipper or a fabulous slingback? You decide! I have some of these in a half boot and they are killer. They look incredible with jeans. You should get them. And these. You realize that if you are a size 10 you are morally required to get these, right? Who doesn't need a pair of red ankle boots? Or strappy sandals?

I'm not an enabler, I just know what's good for my beloved fabulosas.

Today's favorite shoe:
Isabella Fiore "Revolver"

Friday, February 01, 2008

Liesl, 7N

Oh, Donald. Donald, Donald, Donald. There is no featuring of Crocs on fabulous shows. You have just made The Apprentice the bitch of foam made hideousness. I don't care that Crocs is donating shoes to people in need! If they truly wanted to do something good they'd donate a fabulous pair of shoes for every Croc someone turns in as a way to make up for the ugly they have spread around the world. It would be like those turn in your gun programs, only better.

A very smart man contacted me recently and asked if I would be interested in writing for his website. I met with him today and have agreed to write the content on his site. When we get it up and going I will be sure to link it here so that you all can bask in my displayed glory. This means, of course, that I get to go shopping even more. Woe, my life; it does pinch.

Here's my bargain with all of you: for every pair of Crocs you send me that I can destroy I will donate $5 to the Autism Society of America.

Today's favorite shoe:
Ralph Lauren